Security Systems On-Call Design/Build Services
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
Denver International Airport | $4,800,000 | Jun-11 |
A three year on-call contract with DIA. Some of which included the expansion of CCTV system's coverage of security passenger screening checkpoints and airlines baggage screening and handling areas. Allows shared use by Denver and TSA of CCTV system. Includes provision of TSA Command and Control Center Electrical and Communication infrastructure. Provisioning of Biometrics technology to all First Entry Portals airport wide.
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
Denver International Airport | $389,865 | Jan-11 |
Design Assist project for the Installation of power and communications conduit and equipment boxes for Celluar Distributed Antenna System throughout DIA. Consisting of 11,000 feet of conduit over a 3 month period, the majority of this work was accomplished during normal business hours without impacting Airline or DIA operations.
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
Denver International Airport | $129,776 | Feb-11 |
Installation of power and communications conduit, equipment boxes, control cabling, coax, attenna testing and design support. Coordination with DIA Parking contractor, equipment provider, operations and Century Link. A Complete replacement of all Automatic Vehicle Identification equipment. The majority of this work was accomplished during normal business hours without impacting DIA operations.
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
HAS/TSA | $495,809 | Jun-07 |
Power and communications infrastructure for high speed communications we installed about 10,000' of conduit for fiber optic/copper cabling, 68 x-ray & core drills in TSA screening areas, installed equipment cabinets, power for equipment cabinets, install 41 fire rated poke-thru devices. The majority of this work was accomplished during normal business hours without impacting TSA or DIA operations. Approximate 5000 man hours with a scheduled start - completion date of 1/25/07 - 6/29/07, our permit was signed off on 5/31/07, 1 month ahead of schedule.
G&K Machine Shop and Office
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
G&K Machining | $158,197 | Mar-12 |
This project included a new 1200 amp main distribution center with sub panels located throughout the 12,000 sq ft facility to power the relocated machinery and office area. We installed hi efficiency T5 hi bay fixtures in the shop area and T8 parabolic fixtures in the 2 story office area. All lighting was controlled by a 24 zone lighting controller to comply with the energy lighting codes.
Waxie Warehouse
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
Waxie | $188,276 | Mar-12 |
This project was a complete build out of a 60,000 sq. ft. distribution center and offices. We added 480/277 volt panels, transformer and 120/208 volt panels to an existing tenant location in a multi tenant facility. We installed T5 High output 6 lamp fixtures in distribution/warehouse. Power consisted of power for battery chargers, lift truck, and rack power. The offices used modular furniture with multi-circuit and data hook up for the open offices. The lighting in both office and distribution area was controlled by a controller in conjuction with "light shedding" photocells.
Byron White Federal Courthouse
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
GSA | $33,606 | Dec-11 |
Courthouse remodel: This was a lighting retrofit in a historical government building consisting of (1) replacement of older type Florescent "soffit" lighting with new low energy, long life LED fixtures. (2) replace incandescent recess lighting fixtures with 13 watt compact florescent fixtures. Power for basic office and data stubs were also enclosed.
RTD CAD / AVL ATE - 25737
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
RTD | $32,701 | Dec-11 / On-Going |
Design support for bus tracking system, operations control room, disaster recovery site and multiple repair sites in the Denver Metro area and Boulder.
RTD PIDS Phase 1
Owner | Contract Amount | Completion Date |
RTD | $87,719 | Aug-11 |
Installation of power and communications conduit, Cat5e cabling and terminations, (20) monitors, (2) 4x4 video walls and (10) drivers clocks. To enhance the customers travel experience and improve operations throughout RTD's bus system. The majority of this work was accomplished during normal business hours without impacting RTD operations or the public.